10 Compelling Reasons to Use An Essential Oil Diffuser.

Using a diffuser to dispense essential oils into the air is a natural and safer alternative than air freshers.  It is easy to use and can fill a room with natural fragrances that promote wellness as well as freshen up the room.  Essential oils add more to the air than just the aroma, there are many health benefits for the whole household.

  1. Promotes Good Sleep
Source: alyaka

The mist produces a long acting effect that last into the night encouraging sleep.

2. Repeal Insects, Mosquitoes and Bugs Naturally

Source: Hello Glow

Diffused essential oils can actually be fatal to many bugs and they just don’t like the aroma – making these oils great for preventing mosquitoes, gnats, and other bugs from entering your space.

3. Improves Respiratory Health and Helps To Breath Easier

Source: Organicfacts

Inflammation in the respiratory tract can be improved by inhaling essential oils.  Immune health can be improved and colds can be avoided.

4. Stress Relief

Source: Lifehack

Diffusing essential oils have been shown to reduce stress and help relieve anxiety, can also help alleviate symptoms of depression.

5. For A Special Holiday Ambiance


Holiday ambiance or romance can be created by diffusing essential oils. With little effort your desired effect can be created with essential oil diffusion.

6. Ward of Illness

A great way to keep cold, flu and other illnesses from attacking you in full force is to diffuse essential oils in your home or office.

Source: Natural Living Ideas

7. Fight Against Mold

Source: Killingsworth environmentals

Diffusing essential oils can do wonders for your home when it comes to preventing mold.

8. Improve Cognitive Function


Essential oils can help stimulate the mind to support memory, concentration, mental performance and focus. Diffuse when studying and bless everyone in the space. As a mom, I love that I don’t have to remind everyone to use the oils, I just turn on the diffuser.

9. Remove Unpleasant Orders and Airborne Pathogens

Source: Taste of Home

Diffusing essential oils are a great way to deodorize a room.

10. Mood Enhancer

Source: LovingEssentialOils

To change the mood of your home or office try diffusing essential oils, the aroma can help improve the mood and atmosphere.

11. Helps To Control Appetite

Source: US News

Some essential oils will interact with the emotional side of our brain and help turn off our desire to eat, which can help curb the appetite and help with weight loss.


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